Mar 9 outline:
Mar 9:1, Some standing here will not taste death till they see the kingdom of God present with power
Mar 9:2-8, The Transfiguration
Mar 9:9-10, Tell no one what you have seen until I am risen/ they questioned what risen meant
Mar 9:11-13, Elijah must come first: he will come first + restore all things/ he has come first
Mar 9:14-29, Jesus cast a mute spirit from a boy, when His disciples could not
Mar 9:30-32, Jesus foretells His death and resurrection
Mar 9:33-35, Who is the greatest among the disciples: he who is the servant of all
Mar 9:36-42, Receive a little child as you would receive Me/ he who is not against us is with us
Mar 9:43-48, Cut off the causes of sin
Mar 9:49-50, Be seasoned with salt, and have peace with one another
Mar 9 chiastic structures:
1a) Mar 8:30-32a, Tell no one/ Jesus foretold His death + resurrection openly;
1) Mar 8:30, He strictly warned them that they should tell no one about Him;
2.1) Mar 8:31, The Son of Man must suffer, be rejected and killed, and after three days rise again;
2.2) Mar 8:32a, He spoke this word openly;
1b) Mar 8:32b-33, Peter rebuked Him, and He rebuked Peter, saying, Get behind Me, Satan;
central axis) Mar 8:34-9:6, Denying/ death to self precedes kingdom of God in glory;
1a) Mar 8:34-37, Let him who follows Jesus deny himself, take up his cross, follow Him;
shim1b) Mar 8:38, When He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels;
2a) Mar 9:1a, Assuredly, some standing here will not taste death;
shim2b) Mar 9:1b-6, Till they see the kingdom of God/ He was transfigured before them;
2b) Mar 9:5-8, Peter again spoke, and the Father rebuked Peter from the cloud;
2a) Mar 9:9-10, Tell no one/ they kept it to themselves, questioning what resurrection meant;
1) Mar 9:9, Tell no one what you have seen till the Son of Man was risen from the dead;
2.2) Mar 9:10a, They kept this word to themselves;
2.1) Mar 9:10b, Questioning what rising from the dead meant.
1a) Mar 9:11, Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first;
1b) Mar 9:12a, He answered, “Indeed, Elijah is coming first and restores all things;
central axis) Mar 9:12b, “And how is it written concerning the Son of Man, that He must suffer many things and be treated with contempt?”
2b) Mar 9:13, But Elijah has come + they did to him whatever they wished, as it is written;
2a) Mar 9:14-16, When He came to the disciples, the scribes were disputing with them.
1a) Mar 9:11-16, The Son of Man must suffer many things and be treated with contempt;
1b) Mar 9:17-18, A boy with a mute spirit brought to the disciples, but they could not cast it out;
1c) Mar 9:19-20, Faithless generation/ Bring him to Me/ the spirit convulsed him;
1) Mar 9:19, Jesus: O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you + bear with you?
2) Mar 9:19b, Jesus: Bring him to Me;
3) Mar 9:20, Immediately the spirit convulsed him, and he fell on the ground;
central axis) Mar 9:21-22, The father’s plea: If You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us;
2c) Mar 9:23-27, Believe/ He cast it out/ the spirit convulsed him, and came out;
1) Mar 9:23-24, All things are possible to him who believes/ I believe, help my unbelief;
2) Mar 9:25, Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit;
3) Mar 9:26-27, The spirit cried out, convulsed him greatly, and came out of him/ he fell as one dead, but Jesus lifted him up;
2b) Mar 9:28-29, The disciples asked Him privately why they could not cast it out/ this kind only comes out by prayer + fasting;
2a) Mar 9:30-32, The Son of Man will be betrayed + killed/ He will rise on the third day.
1a) Mar 9:33, Jesus asked His disciples: What was it you disputed among yourselves;
1b) Mar 9:34-35, They answered not, for it was who would be the greatest/ he who is last of all;
1c) Mar 9:36, He set a little child in their midst, took him in His arms, and said to them;
1d) Mar 9:37, Whoever receives a little child in My name receives Me + Him who sent Me;
1e) Mar 9:38a, John: We saw someone who does not follow us casting out demons in Your name;
1f) Mar 9:38b, John: And we forbade him;
central axis) Mar 9:38c, John: Because he does not follow us;
2f) Mar 9:39a, But Jesus said: Do not forbid him;
2e) Mar 9:39b-40, Jesus: No one who works a miracle in My name can speak evil of Me/ he who is not against us is on our side;
2d) Mar 9:41, Whoever gives you a cup of water in My name, he will not lose his reward;
2c) Mar 9:42, Whoever causes a little child who believes in Me to stumble, woe for him;
2b) Mar 9:43-48, Cut off the causes of sin;
2a) Mar 9:49-50, Be seasoned with fire + salt/ have peace with one another.
The B pairs of the last structure are forced together by the surrounding elements which undoubtedly pair. I am not sure why they pair, unless the Scripture is saying that the true causes of sin are not hands, feet, or eyes, but a self- seeking and self- serving spirit, lifting itself up in pride.
Wow! The Mark 9:11-16 chiasm popped the point of that revelation. Introduced with scribes and “It is written” being emphasized in the middle
They were scribes they would have been very familiar with and able to recognize what was written.
Thank you for visiting and commenting Tamara. The word of God floors me every single day!