Read Numbers 6:22-27 at Bible Gateway.
Hebrew paragraph divisions
6:22 And YHVH spoke to Moses, saying: 23 Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying: In this manner you shall bless the children of Israel; you shall say to them: {s}
6:24 YHVH bless you, and keep you; {s}
6:25 YHVH make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; {s}
6:26 YHVH lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. {s}
6:27 So shall they put My name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them. {s}
Chiastic structure
Hebrew root word parables
YEHOVAH. Strong’s H3068 יהוה Yehovah; the personal name of God, “I AM the Self-Existant and Eternal.”
Num 6:23, 24, 27 TO BLESS. Strong’s H1288 ברך barak; to fill the upturned palms with good things.
Num 6:24 TO KEEP. Strong’s H8104 שמר shamar; to closely guard for the next generation what is of first importance.
Num 6:25 TO SHINE UPON. Strong’s H215 אור owr, the cattle secured by the man, that is, to bring order out of chaos.
Num 6:25 TO BE GRACIOUS. Strong’s H2603 חנן chanan, the wall which continues to the benefit of the children.
Num 6:26 TO LIFT UP UPON. Strong’s H5375 נשא nasa, to persistently grab hold with strength, that is, to take up or lift up a burden.
Num 6:26, 27 TO GIVE, TO PUT UPON. Both are Strong’s H7760 שום shuwm, “to appoint, to designate.”
shin ש = two front teeth, thus sharp, press, eat, two, again
vav ו = the tent peg, thus add, secure, hook
mem מ ,ם = the water, thus chaos, mighty, blood
The story: The breath (shin, as that which passes through the teeth) which hooks (vav) water (mem, in the form of vapor) with it and is expelled from the body to the outside. In just this way a man’s character is outwardly expressed from that which is laid up within his heart.
Num 6:25, 26 FACE, COUNTENANCE. Both are Strong’s H6440 פנים paniym; from Strong’s H6437 פנה panah, “to turn oneself,” that is, to turn the face toward.
The Hebrew idiom, “make His face shine upon,” merely means, to beam toward. Think of the sun sending its beams toward the earth, which cause pleasant weather and the abundance of the growing season. Think of a parent who sees their child after an absence; their face “beams toward” them in their joyful expression of love.
Think of the Hebrew idiom, “lift up the countenance,” as the opposite of the Hebrew idiom, “fallen countenance:”
And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell. Gen 4:5
The fallen countenance expresses the negative emotions of disappointment, anger, shame, distress. The uplifted countenance expresses the positive emotions of approval, well-pleased, happiness, confidence. It is this positive attitude and all its nuances with which the Father’s face looks toward His children!
Num 6:26 PEACE. Strong’s H7965 שלום shalom; from Strong’s H7999 שלם shalam, “to be whole.”
Num 6:27 NAME. Strong’s H8034 שם shem, “name,” from Strong’s H7760 שום shuwm, “to appoint, to designate,” the same as above.
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