Read Psalm 101 at Bible Gateway.
In Psalm 101, an individual is just doing for his household what Israel did as a nation. Israel as a nation purified the place of their dwelling – the land of Israel – by putting to death the Canaanites, by destroying their idols and all their destestable things, by refusing to tolerate the evildoer within their midst. In Psalm 101, the individual makes the same commitment for the purity of his household, as Israel did for the purity of the nation.
“I will behave wisely in a perfect way.
Oh, when will You come to me?
I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.” Psa 101:2
The first perfect in that verse is in Hebrew tamim, or entire, complete, full, intact. What is the entire way that he is wisely walking in? The way of the LORD, the narrow way, the path of righteousness that God has given us in Torah. This man, to behave wisely in a perfect way, follows the entire Ten Commandments, and not just the ones that are convenient for him.
The second perfect in that verse is in Hebrew tome, which is by the way from the exact same root word as tamim. It means completeness, full measure, integrity, innocence. His perfect heart that he has is knit in love to the LORD his God with all his heart (soul, and strength). His entire and complete heart, without a corner held back. His entire heart, knit in love to the LORD his God, causing him to behave wisely by walking in the entire way of the LORD.
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