Read Psalm 26 here (text coming …) or at Bible Gateway.
The Hebrew paragraph:
25:1-22 {p} Psalmists’ plea for vindication of integrity, resulting in thanksgiving and praise
Psalm 26:1-12 Chiastic Structure:
The structure highlights that when YHVH judges David, his integrity will be vindicated, so that David will return thanksgiving, praise, and blessing to Him. But as we have learned that man is a sinner in need of a Savior, and that the judgment of YHVH of a man’s works results in condemnation, not vindication, I dug into the Hebrew to see what was actually said.
Integrity is in Hebrew, Strong’s H8537, an abstract concept, from the primitive verb Strong’s H8552, תמם tamam, meaning, “to be complete.” The ancient pictographs are tav + mem + mem.
tav ת = crossed sticks, thus mark, sign, signal, monument
mem מ ,ם = water, thus chaos, mighty, blood
mem מ ,ם = water, thus chaos, mighty, blood
The parable being told by the Hebrew Root Word, is of the cross (tav) covered by the mighty (mem) blood (mem), which finishes and makes complete. Whose mighty blood covered the cross, but the blood of Messiah Yeshua! His blood results in integrity which can be judged of YHVH, and pass judgment.
Millennia before Yeshua’s advent, before it was known what His ministry would be in His first advent (for even the rulers of this age did not know what the result would be if they crucified the Lord of glory, 1 Cor 2:7-8), here is the beautiful Hebrew language, prophesying of Messiah and of the Gospel of grace!
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