august 20 – 26 scripture picture chiastic structure
A word for the season of Teshuvah, in preparation for the Fall Feasts.
Turn to God, repenting of sin and wicked works, and pivot, doing righteousness and good works befitting repentance. What are we to repent of? Fretting over material things, which is covetousness, for we have great gain in Him. Bearing false witness against our neighbor, even against others in the spotlight, which is dealing treacherously, for we don’t know all the facts in a matter. Seeking after worldly wealth instead of seeking after God; being grasping with our provision instead of generous with our provision, for as we are responsible for our own needs and provide for the needs of others, God will bless and prosper us. Not honoring what we have been commanded to honor, including parents, other legitimate authorities, God, and His honorable things, including His holy days. As we delight ourselves in Him, including His word, His commandments, and His Spirit of mercy and truth, He will cause us to ride on the high hills of the earth, and feed us with the heritage of Jacob our father!
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