I keep seeing ads on TV and the Internet, pleading for everyone to help stop global warming, or else catastrophe will result! Has anyone else seen the ads for that new documentary that National Geographic is doing, Six Degrees? It’s about how one degree of warming will do this much damage, two degrees this much, etc., until we have hit six degrees of warming when we will be in serious trouble.
Scary stuff, and all scientifically accurate I am sure, if the problem were six degrees of warming. Fortunately, the problem isn’t global warming. It’s global cooling. A new article in Investor’s Business Daily reports on a study just released by the Danish Meteorological Institute, analyzing several centuries of data and observations of solar activity. Their conclusion: no matter how hard they try, they cannot get global temperature cycles to track with CO2 emissions and industrialization. No matter how hard they try. However, global temperatures have tracked with increases and decreases in solar activity consistently and across the board – for several centuries.
Here’s the real scary stuff: the sun looks to be entering a “quiet” period, by its behavior over the past two years, which might account for the frigid winters we’ve been experiencing. The last time the sun was in a similar period was from 1650 to 1715, and temperatures in Europe were so cool that there was crop failure in the northern regions. I wonder how long it will take everyone who is staking their careers on global warming to get off that bandwagon and buy stock in wood stoves and wool sweaters?
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