… for wearing a Denver Broncos jersey (Broken link, active January 24, 2006) to class. Oh, this happened in Pennsylvania last Thursday. Context for us non-football folks: the Denver Broncos and the Pittsburgh Steelers played against each other for the AFC championship over the weekend. Pittsburgh is, of course, in Pennsylvania. The teacher has not apologized. This is why we homeschool.
My family would all have been in big trouble here in Ohio, too. We are die hard Steelers fans, even more so now that “Big Ben” is playing for them. He was in my oldest son’s graduating class. Here in Ohio, you “have to” be for either Cleveland Browns or Cincinnati Bengals. Anyone who has the gall to like the Steelers is really considered a traitor. Sometimes it is in fun, but many times not. I can truly see a teacher doing this. How sad….