My Mom is at the hospital with pneumonia … will post again as soon as I can.
Update: My Mom was released from the hospital today … they caught the
pneumonia at the earliest stage, and she has responded well to
treatment. Thank you so much for your prayers!
from today. It’s about my own mom’s homegoing 10 years ago. I’ll be praying for you, and hope that something in my post will bring you comfort.
Praying for you and your precious mother,
Praying for you and your mother. God Bless!
For the prayers. And thank you, Kathy, for directing me to your post. It is beautiful. Here it is for everyone else:
Love Christine
that your Mom is better! Now you will have more memories to share. God is good to grant you this extra time.
Blessings, dear sister,
I am so glad to hear the news! I have been reading bu tnot much time to p[ost. trying to do some catching up. Know that you have prayers out here. Is that worded properly? Anyway, I am getting ready to start the prequel detox diet. Just trying to plan it so the fast is on a day that I can really handle it. =)