Here it is Super Tuesday, and I haven’t decided who to vote for in the primaries. The Democrats are out for me. I cannot support a party that makes murder of innocent human life one of its platforms, no matter how qualified the candidates.
So that leaves McCain, Romney, Huckabee, and Ron Paul.
McCain has not made a point of declaring his Christian faith, if he is a believer. If he is an unbeliever, he has already failed in the lowest test of the level of wisdom operating in a person’s life. Does anyone know? Also, I am leary of someone so well- beloved by Democrats and the media. There must be a reason.
McCain on the unborn: he is pro-life and has a Senate voting record to match.
McCain on homeschooling: he doesn’t seem to be a supporter.
McCain on borders and immigration: he will secure the border, but sounds like he might be for amnesty for illegals.
McCain on Israel: I couldn’t find his position, which does not bode well.
Romney is a Mormon. I tend to think that someone deceived by a false prophet is not the best choice.
Romney on the unborn: he is pro- life and anti- embryonic research.
Romney on homeschooling: he seems to be a supporter and is proposing a federal homeschooling tax credit.
Romney on borders and immigration: he will secure the border and is opposed to amnesty.
Romney on Israel: I couldn’t find his position, which does not bode well.
Huckabee is a sincere Christian: a point in his favor. I am unsure, though, because I have learned that being a Christian does not necessarily make one wise. Of course, Christians are wiser than unbelievers, by virtue of the fact that they recognize God exists and is to be worshiped. So I am wondering if being a Christian is enough, if that is all the wisdom you have and no more.
Huckabee on the unborn: he is pro-life and has a strong pro-life record as Arkansas governor, and is also opposed to embryonic research.
Huckabee on homeschooling: he is a strong supporter, and also of school choice.
Huckabee on borders and immigration: he is a strong supporter of enforcing our border.
Huckabee on Israel: he supports Israel, and would continue financial and military support.
Ron Paul has not spoken of his faith that I could find. I do know he is a strict constitutionalist, which is a good thing. And he is a supporter of non- government regulation of alternative medicine, so that there could be true health care freedom, another good thing.
Paul on the unborn: he is strongly pro-life (he was an obstetrician for decades before working in Congress, and never performed an abortion, and never saw the need for it to save the life of the mother).
Paul on homeschooling: he is a strong supporter.
Paul on borders and immigration: he would enforce our borders and immigration laws.
Paul on Israel: he would disentangle us from foreign alliances, including Israel. He would cut off funding and military support, not only to Israel, but to every nation, as it is not a constitutionally- empowered function of government. But here is the case he made that his policy would benefit Israel.
To me, my vote is between Huckabee and Ron Paul, the two longest long shots, LOL. I am still not sure who I will vote for tonight.
Anonymous says
Take a look at Huckabee's record toward home-schoolers in Arkansas, it is NOT good!
christinemiller says
… for the heads up on Huckabee and homeschooling! Romney won our state last night; at least he says on his website that he supports homeschooling. McCain ignores it altogether, which to me seems like he is not a supporter and just doesn't want to say so and get his "base" all riled up. — Christine
annesschoolplace says
Hi, we're voting for Ron Paul here, even though it doesn't look like he could win. My brother sent me a link to the Ron Paul library, at . There's a lot of information here on what he believes. So far I'm most comfortable with his views. We need to continue to pray for this election process. We know God is still in control. Romans 13:1-2
Thanks for your blog. I love reading it!