Previously: The coming evangelical collapse, part two
I can’t stop thinking about this article that was published in the Christian Science Monitor, The coming evangelical collapse. It has gotten a lot of media attention. I didn’t agree with the author’s conclusions. I should clarify my position. I do believe that the author has drawn the correct conclusions for the evangelical church, IF (and this is a big if) the status quo remains as it is. If the state of the church does not change.
But here is where I disagree. I have faith, and hope, that the status quo will change. I believe we are on the verge of another Great Awakening. Whenever a revival of this magnitude happens in the church, the church is wonderfully energized and filled with life. The lost are saved in great numbers. Just such a shot in the arm, in the evangelical church, will completely turn on its head every prediction made in the article.
But I do believe that the coming revival will make a division in the church, which is already beginning. The division will be between those who will receive what God is doing in the earth and those who won’t. Those who will, will grow, thrive, and produce much fruit to the glory of God. Those who won’t, will continue in their dead course, and the conclusions of the article will apply to them.
How do I know that will happen? Because that is what always happens when the Spirit of God begins to move on the earth. During the Reformation, there were multitudes who received the life that the Spirit of God was breathing into the church. And there were those who would not receive it, refused to change, and clung to the old way of things. Those churches who would not receive God, continued in their dead course. Those churches who would, were made radically alive with new life, and they have produced much fruit.
It is the same thing with the Creation message. It is part of a broader move of God to restore the integrity and authority of His Word in His church and in the earth. There are those churches who have received what the Spirit of God is saying to the churches, and they are growing and thriving. Then there are those who have not received what the Spirit of God is saying to the churches. They will continue on the dead course they are currently on, and the conclusions of the article will apply to them.
God does NOT leave His church Shepherdless and leaderless. He is guiding her into all truth. But the church has to consent, and follow. For those churches who do, life, growth, and fruit will be the result. 🙂
Update: Huh, what a coincidence: Salvation Army raises record $130 million during downturn. Why isn’t the money drying up? I have a theory on that … to be continued …
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