Read 2 Samuel 21 here (text coming …) or at Bible Gateway.
The Hebrew paragraphs:
21:1a {s} There was a famine for three years so that David sought YHVH’s face
21:1b-6a {p} Judgment against the house of Saul, who killed the Gibeonites
21:6b-14 {p} 7 sons of Saul’s house hanged/ bones of Saul’s house buried in his father’s tomb, and the land healed
21:15-17 {p} War with Philistines: the son of the giant tried to kill David, but Abishai delivered him
21:18 {s} War with Philistines: another son of the giant killed by Sibbechai the Hushathite
21:19 {s} War with Philistines: another son of the giant killed by Elhanan the Bethlehemite
21:20-22 {p} War with Philistines: the 4th son of the giant killed by Jonathan, David’s nephew
The Strong Theme:
20:20-21:6a {sx3+p} Rebellion and famine, afflictions against the land
21:18-22 {s+s+p} War with Philistines: four sons of the giant slain by David’s house/ mighty men
2 Samuel 21:15-22 Chiastic Structure:
These four giants were, grown up, the sons of the giant, Goliath, whom David slew in 1 Sam 17.
King David is standing in as a Prophetic Type for Messiah, the Lamp of Israel. Lamp is in Hebrew, Strong’s H5216, niyr, a concrete noun; from Strong’s H5135, nuwr, a concrete noun meaning, “fire;” from an unused primitive verb ניר niyr, meaning “to glisten; to shine.” The ancient pictographs are nun + yud + resh.
nun נ, ן = seed, thus continue, heir, son
yud י = closed hand, thus work, throw, worship
resh ר = head of man, thus head, first, top, beginning, man
The parable being told by the Hebrew Root Word is that the seed (nun) is sown into the worked (yud) or plowed ground, where it has its beginning (resh) of life.
From the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon:
Rains in the mountainous areas cause a flooding of the rivers. The rivers swell causing the water to flood the land next to the river. This is the only water that the land will see and is necessary for crop production. After the flood season, the land is plowed by the use of a plow attached to the yoke of the oxen. The surface of the soil is dry but, when the soil is turned up it glistens in the sun from the water remaining in the soil.
How interesting that Yeshua taught us that it is the Word which is the Seed sown into the plowed ground (Mar 4:1-25). And then, we know that it is His Word which is the lamp (niyr) to our feet and the light to our path (Psa 119:105).
Sow for yourselves righteousness;
Reap in mercy;
Break up your fallow ground (niyr),
For it is time to seek YHVH,
Till He comes and rains righteousness on you. Hos 10:12
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