Previously: The Lord is near to the contrite in heart
The big headline on Drudge today is the landfall of hurricane Felix with 160 mph winds (Broken link, active September 4, 2007). Let’s be praying for Mexico, where the hurricane has hit. I still note that not a single hurricane has hit Florida this year; which was supposed to be huge for hurricanes in Florida. Andrew hit in August, Charley hit in August; Katrina hit in August. So far this year it seems there has only been one tropical storm which caused “slick roads” due to rainfall. Hmmm, does not seem too much out of character for Florida. Hurricane season is by no means over, but I am still betting on the Word of God over the word of man for Florida.
Update: continued in Is anyone surprised that God is true to His word?
I'm glad we've not had anything come our way this year, but Nov. 30th is a while away. FL really needs to be spared for a long while. The homeowner's insurance situation is way out of control. Companies continue to pull out of the state or cancel policies, leaving homeowners struggling to find affordable coverage (we know all too well this situation firsthand). I don't want to wish the storms on anyone else, but we've had more than enough in our area. People are still trying to pick up the pieces from Frances and Jeanne back in 2004.