I saw a bumper sticker today on the way to
the grocery store. It said, “If you aren’t outraged, then you aren’t
paying attention.” I’ve been thinking about that since, because,
frankly, I am not outraged. I used to be outraged when I was younger.
But outrage requires a lot of energy, and I am so happy with the Lord
in my life, with my sweet dh, with my children and Zane, and with life
in general, even when I have bad days (watching my Mom waste away),
that I can’t muster up outrage.
But I am paying attention. I read the news every day, listen to others’
opinions about the news, and think about the biblical applications to
such. The sin man perpetrates against man grieves my heart. But I still
can’t muster up outrage.
know I cannot change what others will do to me, or to someone else; I
can only walk humbly with my God, and love the ones He puts in my path.
I have no other control or power. The outrage, I have learned,
accomplishes nothing, for the anger of man does not work the righteousness of God.
My problem is contentment. I am content, even when everything is going
wrong. Suffering works contentment in a body, if you keep your heart
free from bitterness and allow the Lord to mold you. (Either that, or
suffering works insanity and despair in a body, if that body is shaking
his fist at God instead of laying his hurts at His feet with a yielded
and humble heart.) The knowledge, the deep-down heart kind, not the
head kind, that God is on His throne and justice will one day be served,
either comes from suffering with contentment or is what makes
contentment in the midst of suffering possible. I am not sure which is
first, like the chicken and the egg. But no matter. God is, and He is
love. I cannot be outraged.
Wow! Excellent point! If you tell me you are under 30, I will be amazed beyond comprehension. This is a secret that belongs to folks who are mainly in the over 40 crowd, but a few over 30’s get it. Not that anyone wants to keep it a secret…it just doesn’t go as fast and smooth as a Lamborghini nor catch the attention of crowds like a designer outfit…so the younger crowd generally isn’t interested…yet.
On the other hand, those of us older folks driving our winnebagos around the North American continent, intent on spending whatever we saved before we die…well, we don’t get it either.
Great post.
I agree wholeheartedly!
I find it hard to get outraged too, I can’t really remember the last time I felt that.
When I see an injustice being done to the innocent, I can get close to steaming but still I remain intact because of Him.