I get told this from time to time. Especially now with communism favored by the current administration. Act 4:32-37 is the Scriptural basis many use to promote the political philosophy of communism: from each according to his wealth, to each according to his need. I maintain that communism as a political philosophy is not only flawed but unscriptural and evil. How can I reconcile my belief with Scripture?
Communism, such as we read in the books of Acts, can only be administered by the Holy Spirit of God. When God leads you to sell your things, and lay their proceeds at the apostles’ feet, then you are giving your possessions with a cheerful and free heart (no man is ever to give under compulsion, for then it is not giving, is it? — God loves a cheerful giver, 2 Cor 9:7 – Paul got that idea from Torah, Exo 35:5 and following).
But a government agency is not the Holy Spirit. In communism in practice, a government agency forces you under threat to sell your possessions or give up your possessions. This is in opposition to Torah, which has sanctity of private property ownership built into its framework (Thou shalt not steal, Ex 20:15). Communism, administered by the fallen human nature, always turns bad, it always ends up building up a nobility class which oppresses the rest of society. In fact, every form of human government goes down that road. No matter how well a system begins, it ends up with a few gathering power to themselves over the many. This is why Thomas Jefferson said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” It requires a constant struggle to keep power from accumulating to the few.
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