Today’s Hebrew Testament chronological reading is in Daniel 5 and 6.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Proverbs 4.
The Greek Testament reading is in Revelation 5.
Essential Studies.
Daniel 5 and 6, Teaching tools, and historical notes (Additional studies: Daniel Index)
Proverbs 4, Chiastic structures (Additional studies: Proverbs Index)
Man has told us that holding fast and keeping our Father’s Torah is death, but the immutable Word of God tells us that keeping His Torah in the midst of our heart, under lock and key, and not letting it depart from there, is life and health (life and health on this side of heaven). We get the idea to reject Torah from Paul, but Paul was combating a specific heresy: that one earns their eternal salvation by keeping commandments. The Torah and all the Hebrew scriptures reject this heresy as well, and establish grace by faith as the means of salvation. Reading all the letters of Paul together, in context, makes this point clear and harmonizes the single message of Scripture, Old and New in complete agreement, Genesis to Revelation.
Revelation 5, The scroll with seven seals and the Lamb (Additional studies: Revelation Index)
Three-year Bible.
The three-year plan is here.
Today’s reading is in 1 Samuel 4.
Suggested study: 1 Samuel 4, Bible for Beginners.
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