As long as I am in this world, I will have tribulation. That’s because other people live in this world with me, LOL. If I am interacting with other human beings at all, there will be trials, there will be tribulation, and yes, there will be drama. Going from one place to the next to escape drama will not work if I leave one place with other human beings in it, for another place with other human beings in it. LOL. But Jesus has overcome this world, with its trials, tribulations, and drama, and by following Him, I can also. It is as simple as walking in love, forgiving everyone of everything, putting others’ needs ahead of my own, and thinking of others more highly than I think of myself. Simple right? ::: sigh ::: When I ask Him to change me, instead of asking Him to change everyone else or my situation, I have His help, and things begin to fall into place. ♥
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