Today’s Hebrew Testament chronological reading is in Genesis 27 and 28.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Psalm 35.
The Greek Testament reading is in Matthew 25.
Essential Studies.
Genesis 27 and 28, The birthright and the blessing (Additional studies: Genesis Index)
Psalm 35, He rescues me from destruction (Additional studies: Psalms Book One (1-41) Index)
The parable being told by the Hebrew Root Word “to return” is to again (shin) secure oneself (vav) to the house (bet). The house we have left, to which He restores us, is His house, because history began with Father God, a beautiful garden, and the two children He had made to dwell with Him forever, to be a part of His household. Now what does this verb have to do with rescuing from destruction? “To return” can be understood as God returning David back to safety or a state of well-being from a place of danger, thus rescuing him from destruction. It’s not only about moving him away from harm, although it is that, but also then restoring him to a place of security or safety. When David prays, “Rescue my soul from their destructions,” he is essentially asking for YHVH to restore his life from the brink of ruin caused by his enemies. So the Hebrew of verse 17 is literally saying, “Rescue me from their destructions, and return me back to a secure place in You, Father. Then restore my life from whatever ruin the enemy has caused.” And He will!
Matthew 25, Ten Virgins Chiastic Structure (Additional studies: Matthew Index)
Three-year Bible.
The three-year plan is here.
Today’s reading is in Luke 1.
Suggested study: Luke 1, Bible for Beginners.
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