Israel celebrated the 59th anniversary of its independence this week, established in 1948. On that national holiday, Hamas launced a rocket attack (Broken link, active April 27, 2007) against Israel from the Gaza strip, apparently in an attempt to provide cover for more Israeli soldier kidnapping.
Then to show the world that Islamists are serious about joining the grown ups in the world community to promote peace and harmony, Damascus hosted a Boycott Israel conference this week. Delegates from 14 Arab nations attended, for the purpose of strengthening the Arab economic and trade embargo of Israel.
We have a saying in this country, Damascus. When you find yourself at the bottom of a pit, stop digging.
Not content to just complain about the Islamists’ unjust treatment of Israel, Markets Unlocked, a Christian company, opened an office in Israel this year. Markets Unlocked matches the purchasing needs of Christian- owned businesses with Israeli suppliers, who can often provide the same or higher quality good at the same or lower price. Both the Christian business owners and the Israeli economy are blessed.
Now if we can just get our government to realize that now is not the time to go all wobbly on the whole funding of terrorists and state sponsors principle (here and here also) …
Have you heard about the Waller family and what they are trying to accomplish in Israel? Go here: