I found an American leader who is not afraid to speak truth and who will not kneel to political correctness. Unfortunately, he is not a politician (maybe that is why he is not afraid of the truth or of the pc culture in our modern world). Earlier this week, General Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, in speaking about the military’s gay policy, said that homo[s-x]uality was immoral. Immediately, Senator Warner of Virginia “sharply rebuked” the general, saying that he strongly disagreed with Pace that homo[s-x]uality is immoral. Then as usual, the gay advocacy groups starting calling for Pace to apologize and issue retractions. The general, to his great credit, refused to apologize for his remarks.
General Pace and Senator Warner represent two factions in the Church itself. One faction, which is most notably represented by the Episcopalians, say that the Bible – the moral compass of Western Civilization – does not condemn homo[s-x]uality, The other faction, which I agree with, say that it does. So who is right?
Starting with Genesis, we find Sodom and Gomorrah being destroyed in judgment, “because the outcry against its people has become great before the LORD.” Standard objections to this straight- forward interpretation of the Scripture are debunked here.
Then the Law outright condemns homo[s-x]ual acts in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13. You can’t get much more plain than “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.” But those seeking to twist the Bible’s clear statements to make any personal preference permissable even have distorted the meaning of these two passages, which are admirably debunked here.
But then there is a segment of the Church which disregards the Old Testament, in opposition to the New Testament’s instructions. For those folks, we have Paul’s clear teaching on the subject in Romans 1. Objections to the clear understanding of this passage are again debunked here.
So Senator Warner is not basing his idea of morality on Scripture, the only plumb line fallen humans have to judge right and wrong. General Pace, on the other hand, is. Let’s hope the general’s example rubs off on some of the more spineless fraidy cats in the government. But I won’t hold my breath.
short says
for saying it like it is and for standing with Israel. Blessings to you.
bethanyrae says
It is so refreshing to hear of someone unafraid to take a stand. I'm almost afraid to hear of what kind of professional backlash he might receive down the road. Keep us posted.