Today’s annual Torah portion is Bo, “Go,” in Exodus 10:1-13:16.
Today’s triennial Torah portion is Behar + V’ki amuk, “On the mount + If impoverished,” in Leviticus 25:1-26:2.
Today’s Old Testament chronological reading is in Job 33 and 34.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Psalm 23.
No New Testament reading today.
The Annual Bo Outline is here. The list of studies has been updated for today.
I was unable to complete any new posts for the triennial Torah portion this year, I apologize. But here are some links:
Lev 25:1-26:2, Annual Behar chiastic structure
Lev 24 and 25, The Gospel of grace from Leviticus
Today’s Notes.
Download the Exo 7:1-11:10 expanded Chiastic structure pdf.
In the Torah reading in Exodus today, Exo 11:9-10 is a summary and conclusion of the result of the plagues. It turns out is a bookend, with plagues one through nine in the center (see the download for the expanded Chiastic structure). The central axis of plagues one through nine is Exo 9:13-21, the warning of the plague of hail:
YHVH glorified His name, the purpose of the signs and wonders. But how interesting that His mercy is heart and center of His glory, surrounded by His signs and wonders. When the children of Israel left Egypt, a mixed multitude went with them. There were Egyptians, and slaves of other nations as well, who learned that YHVH alone is God, who learned to regard the word of YHVH, and who joined themselves with the Israelites in service of YHVH, Creator of heaven and earth. It is all about bringing people who have strayed, who have been deceived by the deceiver, back into the Creator’s house!
Links to previous studies.
Job 33 and 34, Introduction to Elihu
Psalm 23, Hebrew root words
Psalm 23, Chiastic structure
Psalm 23, The LORD is my Shepherd
Psalm 23, I shall not want
Psalm 23, Green pastures and still waters
Psalm 23, Paths of righteousness
Psalm 23, I will fear no evil
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