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The gospels cell phone wallpaper gallery is here.
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I stumbled on your site while looking for some inspirational graphics to send to friends who needed some uplifting. As an artist I had just been seeking actual illustrations. But your work – with phenomenal images and attached scriptures – has been an inspiration to me. And I have been delighted to pass encouraging graphics to others.
Your Bible studies and detailed (and well researched) studies are very helpful. Your discussions of the Hebraic faith and those connections have given me much to think on.
Recently my husband discovered possible Jewish ancestry in his family. He was delighted. It answered some longings he has felt his entire life. Thank you for sharing so much of what you have learned.
We work with homeless families in Daytona Beach, FL, and I send email cards and greetings to our Board members and others throughout the year. We have a synagogue congregation that supports the ministry and even as I try to incorporate Biblical quotations in what I design, I have always been sensitive to there faith. Two years ago I began sending them e-cards for the various Jewish feasts and they have been well received.
You have been blessed as a teacher and artist. And I am grateful for the work you do.
Shalom, J.C. Deobil