The first occurrence.
And God said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. Gen 1:9
The primitive root.
Strong’s H4725, maqowm, a concrete noun meaning, “place;” from Strong’s H6965 קום quwm, a primitive root meaning, “to arise.” The 3-letter root is quph + vav + mem.
quph ק = sun on the horizon, thus condense, circle, time
vav ו = the tent peg, thus add, secure, hook
mem מ ם = the water, thus chaos, mighty, blood
The story: The verb is “to arise,” and one of its concrete nouns is a standing grain stalk. Other nouns from this root are a stand, a height, or a decree as a standing word. A stalk or a plant arises and stands up when it gathers (quph, as light leaves the earth and sky to be gathered to the sun when it is on the horizon) to itself (vav, in the context of adding) water (mem) drawn up from the root. A place is where a thing stands.
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