Num 31:1-15:41, annual cycle shelah lekha, “send for yourself”
num 13:1-15:41, shelah lekha chiastic structure 2014 jun 13
num 13:1-15:41, shelah lekha paragraph divisions 2012 jun 16
Num 13:1-33, triennial cycle shelah lekha, “send for yourself”
num 13-14, the power of an evil report 2011 mar 07
Num 14:1-45, triennial cycle vayibchu ha-am, “the people wept”
num 14, israel’s ten tests 2012 jun 16
num 13-14, the power of an evil report 2011 mar 07
Num 15:1-41, triennial cycle ki tavo’u el eretz, “when you come into the land”
num 15, one torah for the native born and the stranger 2011 mar 08
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