Don’t you hate it when perfectly good words become co-opted by the forces of darkness, or ignorance, and they lose their usefulness as a description as a result? “Liberal” is a classic example. For centuries, “liberal” meant that which pertained to freedom, as a “liberal education” fitted one for a self-controlled and thoughtful life within a free society. Nowadays it means nothing close to that, and has become a dirty word (even among liberals, who prefer to be called “progressives” to escape the bad connotations) for a political philosophy based on government- reliance rather than self- reliance, a preference for the failed economic systems of socialism or communism, and a return to a hidden oligarchial tyranny, where the liberals, of course, become the new aristocracy, not at all different from historic aristocratic rule, except that the new elites have pure and proper intellect and morals, instead of blood lines.
“Feminism” is another such perfectly good word, now ruined. Historically, “feminine” (whence “feminism” was derived) described the ideal state of womanhood, and was embodied by the role of wife and mother, further bringing to mind the conduct of genteel ladylikeness. Nowadays, of course, the word describes the tiny minority of NOWers and NARALers, of the Gloria Steinems, Barbara Boxers, and Hillary Clintons of the world.
Early feminists, the suffragettes, much more embodied the historic meaning of the word, embracing motherhood and denouncing abortion as the vilest murder. Their pro-life determination is ably demonstrated by Kate O’Beirne in her new book, Women Who Make the World Worse, exposing the destructive modern feminist agenda and the havoc its implementation has wreaked on American schools, families, sports, and the military.
On a more humorous note, Mike Adams presents in seven parts why he cannot take feminists seriously. (Read part one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven here.) One is struck how un-feminine, not to mention illogical and contradictory, the modern feminist has become.
In reality, modern feminism is rooted in simple rebellion. Male and female was the Creator’s design, and thus His pervue as to roles and responsibilities. Killing the child we are called to nurture, and hating the man we are called to sacrificially serve, is a mere extension of shaking our fist at the Lawgiver and Judge we wish to overthrow.
creativehsmom says
Good article. All that we see around us in our society is topsey turvy compared to His Word. Truly we are *aliens & strangers* in this world!
Cathy :o)
UndertheSky says
My best friend and I were discussing this week how modern feminists are really mocking themselves. Femininity is the beauty, grace – in essence the loveliness – that sets a woman apart from a man. (Among the other important distinctions you discussed in your post.) One would think that to be a feminist they would embrace this difference. We only see masculine, ugliness out of most of these women – are they trying to be men? Masculinity is beautiful and right on a man, but ugly in a woman. They only mock their own message of wanting to be unique when they try to be like men!
Confessor says
Thanks for posting this.
My favorite quote from those articles is: “I once told a feminist that the term “feminist scholar” was an oxymoron. She asked me what I meant by oxymoron.”
Funny. And true!