I am reading a very interesting book right now. Two Januarys ago, I read The Prayer of Jesus by Hank Hanegraaff. I began to learn to pray through the Lord’s Prayer in my devotions, which intensified my personal relationship with God. I also began to see more answered prayers in my life.
This January, I am reading Praying Like the Jew, Jesus: Recovering the Ancient Roots of New Testament Prayer by Timothy Jones. This is a fascinating book so far. It explains the Jewish worship, liturgy, and meaning that Jesus would have grown up with, and from there sheds light on the prayers Jesus prayed which are recorded in the Gospels, including the Lord’s Prayer.
With chapter titles like Knowing the God Who Delights in the Unexpected, Knowing the God Whose Gifts Go Beyond our Expectations, Knowing the God Who Creates Community, and Knowing the God Who Creates a New Future, the book has proved to be quite devotional for me, and not merely academic or historical.
Hi Christine. Your book suggestion caused me to do a search for a good Lord's Prayer book. Since many churches nowadays totally ignore the Lord's Prayer, I am starving for it. I found *The Lord's Prayer* by Martin Chemnitz and I will order it.