Read Psalm 91 at Bible Gateway.
We saw from the chiastic structure for Psa 91, that Psa 91:4 and Psa 91:11-12 pair with each other:
Psa 91:4, He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler;
Psa 91:11-12, For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.
These both paint a picture of divine protection in the middle of the storms of life. His wings and feathers cover and deflect, and His angels guard and protect.
The interesting phrase is in vs. 4: “His truth shall be your shield and buckler.” Everyone knows what a shield is, and its role as a portion of defensive armor. A shield is large enough to protect the whole body if necessary. A buckler is like a shield:
“A buckler differs from a shield in that the latter is carried by straps and worn on the arm whereas the former is held in single-hand in a “fist” grip. It is difficult to trace the history of the weapon as many times any type of round shield or small targe would be called buckler, regardless of whether it was held in the fist or worn on the arm. The buckler was a small, maneuverable, hand-held shield for deflecting and punching blows. It was usually round and made of metal but occasionally of hardened leather or layers of wood. (Tarassuk & Blaire, p. 105). Bucklers were typically round and frequently between 8 to 16 inches in diameter, but octagonal, square, and trapezoidal versions were also known.” Sword and Buckler Fencing
Both of these pieces of armor are used for defense against attack. So let’s look at this. Yesterday we saw that the enemy is the one who tries to steal, kill, and destroy (Joh 10:10). How exactly does he accomplish this?
“You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.” Joh 8:44
His attacks and fiery darts come in the form of lies. He might say to someone, “God is ashamed of you. You can’t confess what you did. There is no forgiveness for you now.” Is that a true statement? No, not a bit of it! But for someone who does not know the truth, a statement like this, that seems to be true, brings him into the prison of condemnation and binds them with the chains of shame. The tool which was used as an effective attack against that person, was a lie … and becomes an effective tool, when it is believed.
This is why His truth is our shield and buckler. His truth is effective defensive armor which deflects those fiery darts and prevents them from wounding us (Eph 6:16; Paul calls His truth “the shield of faith,” because truth must be believed in order to defend). And His truth is found in His word …. do we know what His word says for ourselves, from Genesis to Revelation? Read it and believe it!
Theresa says
Thank you for helping me understand the difference between a shield and buckler.
Knowing we actually need the full armor and understanding the importance of each unique piece only confirms God’s protection and love over me( us His children)
Marie-Louise says
If the shield and the buckler were both used in the same war..on which arm would the buckler be worn?
christine says
I am assuming the non-dominant arm, since the dominant arm carries the sword. But I am not an expert on medieval warfare, that is just my assumption. <3
Gabe says
In a real life situaton where buckler and a shield were the weapons available, what hand picks what is not relevant and here is why: Efective fighting takes training, and training is for that very training becomes natural, an effective reaction to overcome an adversary. In a fight one has little time to think; the outcome in one’s life is the result of one’s training. We train ALL THE TIME for the savoring and part taking with GOD’S VICTORY AT CALVARY. That is how scripture declares we have been made more than conquerors ….. Train every day…. train in the truth with the truth for living the truth.
christine says
Thank you for visiting and for leaving your insightful comment Gabe. Please do come back again.
JOAN says
I have sought to understand what a buckler was for decades, and until now I remained ignorant waiting for God.. Thank you for finding the answer I could not find. The “Captain American” character uses a round buckler as a shield and sometimes as a projectile (questionable), and gives us a visual of some of its real uses. God uses whatever it takes to reveal to us what we ask of Him. Scripture even says that the ‘literal comes first and then the spiritual” and that is the Truth.
christine says
Hello Joan, thank you so much for stopping by today and for leaving your encouraging comment. Please do come back again!
Keen says
I think the Shield represents Gods protection of his angels and buckler represents our knowledge and application of our faith of the Word. Gods Messenger and Gods Witness are in tandem double defense against the devil. God watches your back, while your faith can be concerned of your front, so in our faith God fights with us like two soldiers back to back in a war zone.
christine says
Keen thank you so much for visiting today and adding your insight. Please do come back again!
Lena Branson says
I woke this morning quoting this scripture when these two words stood out. I began to ask what is a buckler. That when I pulled you up and understanding what difference these two were. It really let me know the difference in natural. But also to know how to use it , Truth is powerful ! Thank you
christine says
Dear Lena, thank you so very much for your kind words. I do hope you can come back again –
Raquel Tyler says
God fights with us like two soldiers back to back in a war zone, that’s beautiful. Thank you for the visual. God bless.
cgharib says
This discussion lead me to study fighting techniques for both buckler and shield . To me the Psalmist is telling us God’s (emphasis) faithfulness is both a shield (large for heavy defense,) and a buckler (small for parry & attack). If it were our faithfulness then we would only be able to wield one while holding the sword in the other hand , but His faithfulness is unlimited, it is both the large shield when needed and small light quick to deflect lies thrown as an example. Thus the ultimate protection.
Your assumption is correct!(A WARRIOR OF ARMS!
Natalie says
It would be used on the left arm and the shield and sword would be held in the hand. Remember the shield is to protect the whole body and the bukler is for upclose defense. Either way the adversary or oppent would be defeated
christine says
Thank you Natalie! Please do come back again <3
Ronald VanValkenburg says
Probably depends whether you are right handed or left handed
Mary Jo Hawkins says
Ancient soldiers were usually trained to use either hand/arm. Typically the right hand was dominant, Makes the most sense since the opponent faced you and was also most often right handed. However, training to use both hands was common as and injury could force a soldier to have to defend himself with the other hand and arm.
Robert Wethington says
I think it would be on the same side. t can’t see it being used at the same time. One would interfere with the other. You have to have the sword, (Bible), in the other hand.
Elaine says
It stand sto reason that it would be worn on the arm of the less dominant hand as the dominant hand would be wielding the weapon.
Patty Bodnar says
Thank you for this clarification. Very good info’.
Marjorie speicher says
I have read this psalm over & over,however tonight i ask the Lord to enlighten my understanding.
Then i started to get definition of
Shield & buckler.
Thx.for explanation.
christine says
I am so glad you were helped. Be blessed today Marjorie. <3
Desiree says
why dose psalm 91 say in verse 4 shield and buckler do both of these words mean the same thing (shield)
Desiree says
I studied further and saw the difference between a shield and a buckler it was explained very well thank you would you please email me a break down of ps. 91 please thank you.
Edwina Y Maxwell says
Thanks this was very helpful; I feel like God is double protection for me.(shield and buckler)
christine says
Thank you for visiting today and leaving your kind and encouraging comment Edwina! <3
Andrea says
So then God, his truth, is our help and protection in things great and small, our shield and buckler! Thanx, clarification is a beautiful thing!
christine says
It is indeed! You are so very welcome Andrea, thank you for visiting today. Please do come back again! <3
Fedel Harness says
This was awesome break down. Love it. Keep on doing What you do for the Glory of God. It’s effective, that my soul knows right well.
christine says
Thank you so very much for stopping by and leaving your kind comment today Fedel – Christine <3
Michael Fort says
Is it possible this means a shield in one hand a buckler in the other? It says nothing about a sword so maybe God is the Sword and the righteous our protector and with faith in him we need only wear the armor he provides.
christine says
I believe the shield is in one hand and the buckler in the other. However, if the sword is the Word of God, as in Eph 6:17, then we still wield our offensive weaponry by speaking that Word which overcomes the enemy with our mouth!
Karen Holmes says
Oooo…I like the picture your description evokes. God’s Word is powerful and is indeed wielded by speaking it.Thank you!
christine says
Thank you for visiting today Karen, and for leaving your encouraging comment! Please do come back again. <3
Hannah says
Wow, this is really good! God’s anointing is on both the article and many comments! (maybe all)
I was amazed at how many insightful points there are both in the article and comments. Very Rich! Thank you, Christine, for sharing from the Lord through the article and further points and for hosting all this; and thank you everyone else for sharing your valuable comments! Wow, I’m blessed to have found this!
NB says
Wow. Couldn’t agree more! Landed here while researching shield and buckler,, and started reading… so much truth and anointing throughout the article and the whole comment thread. Such a blessing to arrive here. It has the fragrance of life. Thanks to all for sharing.
christine says
Thank you for visiting today NB. Please do come back again!
Jeffrey Burkhardt says
The Roman shield, to which a Paul referred, was was large but handheld With a fist grip like the buckler. In the center, it had a round, raised iron or steel buckler-esque middle that would be extended by the left arm into the enemy’s chest or head to strike a blow and throw him off balance. The shield would be retracted as the sword went forward with the right hand to cut the enemy down. The “scutum” (Roman shield) was effectively a combination of shield and buckler and was both a defensive and offensive part of the armor. The soldier would advance (lead) with faith (shield) backed up by the Word of God (sword). This is the ultimate one-two punch of victory for the believer.
christine says
Thank you Pastor Burkhardt!
Ria Joubert says
Thank you for clarifinaction of this piece of armor. Also the picture shows how they used it.
christine says
Thank you for visiting today – please do come back again. <3
Marty says
Could you please send me a breakdown of the whole Psalm 91 please! This Psalm is always so beautiful and powerful! I’d appreciate it. Thank you!
christine says
Hello Marty, all the studies I have on Psalm 91 are linked here:
Please do come back again ❤
Amber Scott says
So so so good! Thank You!
christine says
Hello Amber, thank you for visiting and leaving your kind comment! Please do come back again –
Debby says
Another prospective…The word used in Psalm 91:4 for ‘buckler’ is the only place in scripture where the Hebrew word ‘sochera’ is used. It is not the same word as buckler in the three other places found in scripture, where it is used as a ‘small shield’ in a military or combat situation. In context of the scripture of Psalm 91:4, it is referring to ‘surrounded protection’ by our Lord. He is my refuge, under His wings, covered by His feathers, I am surrounded in His truth, covered as a shield, and surrounding me—completely! The best place to be when you need rest or a respite from the combat.
christine says
Thank you for adding to the discussion Debby – please do come back again!
Carol A-B says
Thank you for all the clarification and different views. Jehovah’s word is so deep and powerful. As we progress in our spiritual life may we not forget that it is ‘ the TRUTH of Jehovah’s word ‘ that will sanctify us. ‘His TRUTH shall be our shield and buckler.’ Let us continue to dig deep and live what the Holy Spirit reveals to us.