july 16-23 scripture picture chiastic structure
In order to complete the structure, the very next verse in the timeline, which was the Scripture Picture for the morning of Sunday, July 23, was pulled and added in its place in the structure. (Normally the structures go from Sunday morning through Saturday evening.) Then there were several overlapping structures for this week. In order to solve the puzzle of the greater structure, the smaller overlapping structure had to first be solved:
The above smaller structure allowed me to see that John 3:16a was a matching pair to 2 Chr 16:9a (B pair), with the theme of salvation which we did not earn or deserve, but which we who were sinners received by faith in Him. Knowing that 2 Chr 16:9 carried this theme in this instance unlocked the full structure:
God is arising in glory to scatter His enemies, and His glory will be seen. Who are His enemies? Not the people He has created; but unbelief, sin, disease, death; and He will be glorified in scattering them. He provided His only begotten Son who bought us with a precious price, and it is belief which will arise to scatter unbelief. He gave the Sabbath and His commandments, and it is obedience which will arise to scatter sin. He gave His healing power by His Word and His Spirit, and it is health which will arise to scatter disease. He gave everlasting life in Him, and it is life which will arise to scatter death. His people, who spring from the twelve springs of water, who are the twleve tribes of Israel, and who bear the fruit of the seventy palm trees, who are the seventy nations of the Gentiles, will pitch their tents in Elim – in El who is magnified – in God. And they will inhabit Him, and He will dwell with them. For sinners throughout the whole earth will place their hope in Messiah Yeshua with a loyal heart, and He will show Himself strong in overthrowing His enemies on their behalf.
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