I recently added Jeff Deyo to my favorite music links in the right sidebar. He was at our church a few weeks ago, leading the worship, and then in the evening there was a concert. The worship during church was very anointed, and quite lively and rock-and-rolly. We brought home two cds and I started playing them during the day when I am working.
Usually when music is playing during the day it stays in the background, and I don’t notice it much. But Jeff Deyo’s music has been different. It keeps coming into the foreground, LOL. I find myself listening intently, singing along, and sometimes I have to stop what I am doing and give myself to worshiping the Lord for a little time.
I think the Lord likes it, because His presence has been more intense around the house lately.
…music that draws you into worship and spending more time with your Lord and Savior?? Music like that is truly a blessing!