I am so sick of talking about this election … I just want it all to be over. How many of you heard the audio Drudge linked to recently? Then state senator Barack Obama had given a radio interview to a local station, in which he said one of the greatest failures of the civil rights movement was that the Supreme Court "never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth" and that they weren’t able to "break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution."
Break free from the constraints placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution? This is what will happen if every one of us thinks we are above McCain and by refusing to cast our vote for him, we in essence cast our vote for Obama to be the next president of the United States. By disdaining to vote, because we do not have the perfect candidate, we are voting to "break free from the constraints placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution." Is that what we want for our children and grandchildren?
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