I was preparing my Bible study notes for the Torah portion which will be read this Sabbath, which is in Numbers, when I realized it was a perfect illustration of the importance and significance of what I have been hearing from the Lord. The history is in Num 13-14. Israel is camped on the edge of the Promised Land, and Moses sends in 12 spies to spy out the land and bring back a report to the congregation. Ten of the spies give an evil report, with only two giving a good report agreeing with what the Lord had said about it.
Because of listening to the evil report and not the good, the congregation experienced a 40- year delay in entering into their Promise. This is not a minor reminder the Lord is reminding me of. There is power for evil in listening to an evil report, just as there is power for good in listening to a good report. Help me to do the latter Father! ♥
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