The Media Research Center has published a report comparing the media’s publicity, treatment, assumptions, and bias of the movies The Passion of the Christ vs. The Da Vinci Code. The Trashing of the Christ explores the part the media’s views on religion play in influencing the culture to consider a movie a must-see, and the hypocritical way the media treats religion it approves of and religion it does not approve of. The self-proclaimed arbiters of total unbias have had thier bias exposed. Interesting reading.
Update: Breakpoint has published an excellent article examining the real message behind The Da Vinci Code: the concept of the “sacred feminine,” or goddess worship. This perversion had its beginning at the Tower of Babel rebellion and has been plaguing the world since. The root of goddess worship is denying that He, the I AM, in fact is the Creator and Ruler of the universe, and it is thus related to darwinism. I believe the Great Harlot of Babylon which is judged in Revelation to be the worldview of insidious denial of the Creator, Lawgiver, and Judge, which manifests in various forms, including goddess worship, paganism, and darwinism (a form of nature worship as Paul testifies in Romans 1). Go read it, it is a fascinating article.
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