A gathering of peace activists in the Colorado Rockies turned violent Tuesday, according to a local newspaper:
“The Rainbow Family peace gathering turned hostile Tuesday when a group of attendees began hurling rocks and sticks at law enforcement officers, U.S. Forest Service officials said. The incident forced the officers to abandon a checkpoint they had established near the entrance to the Rainbow gathering campsite in North Routt County, Forest Service spokeswoman Diann Ritschard said. Officers had not returned to the checkpoint as of Tuesday afternoon. The incident happened at about 11 a.m. and involved Forest Service officers who were manning the checkpoint set up to issue citations to anyone attempting to enter the gathering. Citations were being issued because Rainbow Family members had not signed a free Forest Service special-use permit, which is required for gatherings of 75 or more people.”
And who are the Rainbow Family, you ask? Good question. They have an unofficial website with info about this year’s annual gathering in Colorado. The website states:
“I think it’s safe to say we’re into intentional community building, non- violence, and alternative lifestyles. We also believe that Peace and Love are a great thing, and there isn’t enough of that in this world.”
Isn’t non- violent Peace and Love a beautiful thing? I am sure the Forest Rangers would agree that there isn’t enough of it in this world. Especially in Colorado on Tuesday.
My husband and I camped at the Grand Canyon one year when the Rainbow Family was there. I couldn’t get to sleep at night until they stopped their beating on bongo drums. At least they weren’t beating on us! 😮
The teenage son of a former neighbor sported dreadlocks and lived in a commune in South America for awhile. He came back to live at home. His car had a bumper sticker that said “World Peace”, but he played his music so loud in his mother’s house, that she had to spend a lot of time out in the yard to get away from it. The music was so loud that I could hear the words to it in my house with the windows closed. I guess “World Peace” is meant only for the people who proclaim it.