I have been going through the Torah and the rest of the Bible with my family, and what I am learning is blowing my socks off. So I have loads of Bible study material already written, just sitting on my computer doing no one any good at all, except for myself and my family, of course. And I have had so many days where I could not work on one of my series posts, just because we have been so busy this summer. So I started thinking, "On those days when I don’t have 2 hours to work on a theology post, I should at least post some of the cool things we have been learning in Bible study." I didn’t want to go off on a new tangent when I have so much left undone, but this way at least there will be a post every day.
I quit checking the news everyday, because it was the same old same old, every day – men are sinning against one another, the world hates God and His people, and we are careening toward the end times, LOL. I couldn’t take any more. So that is why no news posts lately. I still try to check Israel news regularly, and there has been a lot happening on that front, and maybe in a few weeks things will slow down enough so that I can write about it, LOL.
I have a lot of sewing projects I am working on, and am still learning so much about nutritional health and healing, and I want to start posting on those topics again — on my other blog, This side of heaven. See you here and there!
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