A T. rex bone was discovered some years ago with blood cell proteins still intact in the bone marrow – something which is completely impossible by any standard of science if the bone of the dinosaur was truly 68 million years old, as darwinists claim. Yet when the intact protein was discovered, did you read about it in National Geographic, or see one of those controversial documentaries that Discovery Channel likes to air so much? If you knew about it at all, it was because you saw the news in Creation Magazine or in one of the other creation science news outlets.
As Creation Magazine pointedly said at the time, if dinosaurs were created on day six, when the Bible says land animals were created, then were buried for rapid fossilization during the cataclysm of Noah’s global flood some 4500 years ago, it is quite possible for blood proteins to have remained intact without decaying completely.
The first news of this startling discovery just hit the secular press a few weeks ago, but the headline wasn’t “Soft tissue in dinosaur bone shatters millions of years timeline!” as it should have been. It was … “T. rex thigh reveals chicken family ties.” (Broken link, active April 27, 2007) They came to that conclusion that since the protein studied most closely matched collagen in chickens, therefore the leap was made that chickens are the modern evolutionary descendants of the T. rex.
Answers in Genesis and Dr. Grady McMurty of Creation Worldview Ministries both handily debunked the claims, while rightly pointing out the bigger story to which the darwinists have blinded their eyes. The protein tested only represented less than 3% of the T. rex’s total genome, and it was compared to the collagen (no other proteins?) of only three modern animals: the chicken, the newt, and the frog. Why those three? Clearly, the bias of the researcher to find “evidence” to support the pre- accepted theory that modern amphibians or birds were descendants of the dinosaurs was at play. Conclusions based on such limited data are logically flawed, and cannot be as conclusive as the media have hopefully portrayed.
In the meanwhile, Bill Maher (he is a comedian; I didn’t know who he was either) has determined to make a “mockumentary” ridiculing Christians and creationists, and to that end, broke into AiG’s Creation Museum last week, bypassing security to gain an interview with AiG founder Ken Ham. I am not sure why criminal activity was necessary, since AiG and Mr. Ham have been granting interviews to all the media outlets who have come calling.
The Creation Museum is set to open next month, on Memorial Day. Atheists who do not believe in God, and Christians who do not believe that God was either the author of Genesis, or who believe He lied to us in Genesis if He was, are staging protests outside the Museum for opening day. Their reason: “… fear that their children may be influenced by what the Museum teaches.” It seems to me that only those who have no confidence in the truth of their own position “fear” the free presentation of other positions. Truth always reveals itself upon examination. So why the mocking, why the silencing attempts of non- darwinian viewpoints and evidence, if darwinism is based on such rock solid truth? Just present the evidence.
The evidence does not support darwinism, as the T. rex well shows. The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” But since God makes foolish the world’s “wisdom,” I expect that all mockers and fools will eventually come to their prescribed end. Then who will have the last laugh?
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