Read 2 Samuel 17 here (text coming …) or at Bible Gateway.
The Hebrew paragraphs:
17:1-4 {s} Ahithophel’s advice: pursue David tonight while he is weak
17:5-6 {s} Absalom calls for Hushai’s advice as well
17:7-13 {p} Hushai’s advice: gather all Israel first, for David and his men are mighty men
17:14a {s} Absalom: The advice of Hushai is better than that of Ahithophel
17:14b {s} The Lord defeated the good advice of Ahithophel that He might bring Absalom to naught
17:15-20 {s} Hushai sent to the sons of Zadok and Abiathar to warn David
17:21-23 {s} David warned/ Ahithophel went home, hanged himself when he saw his advice not taken
17:24-26 {s} David in Gilead/ Absalom crossed the Jordan/ Amasa captain of Absalom’s army
17:27-29 {s} Food and refreshment brought to David and his people at Mahanaim
The Strong Themes:
16:20-17:13 {sx3+p} Ahithophel’s counsel to secure Absalom in his kingship/ Hushai’s contrary counsel
2 Samuel 15:23-17:23 Chiastic Structure:
The 15:31-16:23 Chiastic Structure was posted with 2 Samuel 16 Bible for Beginners. We are seeing the structure expand backwards and forwards.
We see a adverse circumstance play out, where David’s own son is seeking his life, and usurping the kingdom from him. It causes David and all who are with him to flee, weeping as they go.
But notice, that YHVH had ordained to defeat the good (strategically speaking) counsel of Ahithophel, in order to bring evil upon Absalom. Of course YHVH does not desire to bring evil upon anyone. But once you set yourself on the path of evil-doing, then you open yourself up as a target. YHVH is obligated to bring the wickedness of the wicked to an end, to extend mercy to innocent victims. All throughout Scripture YHVH warns against embarking on the path of evil-doing, so that the end of evil-doers does not come upon you.
If we will Learn from the Narrative, we see that YHVH is already taking steps, unbeknownst to David, to reverse the adverse circumstance, and to bring restoration and redemption.
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