Besides the birth of grandchildren (today is Zane’s birthday!) June is also known for weddings! I have two children yet unmarried, and when considering potential spouses, this is my advice to them:
But since there are many Christians out there who do not fear the Lord and who are not maturing, simply choosing a Christian in this day and age will not guarantee you either a wise or compassionate spouse. Therefore choose someone only after knowing them for some time, so that you can identify what fruits are consistently in their life.
Choose someone who takes the word of the Lord seriously. Someone who does not believe God when He said, “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day (Ex 20:11);” may not believe God when He said, “In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself (Eph 5:28);” or “The wife should not separate from her husband (1 Cor 7:10).” If someone says they embrace the New Testament, but not the Old, flee from them; for every doctrine of Christianity is born in and comes from the Old Testament, particularly Genesis.
The way a man treats his mother is often the way he will treat his wife, when the honeymoon is over. The way a woman treats her father is often the way she will treat her husband. Therefore does the one you are considering honor their father and mother? Likewise, how is your potential betrothed’s relationship with siblings or colleagues? Have they demonstrated forgiveness and restoration in relationships? This is so important, because how can someone who has trouble forgiving a friend forgive you when you sin?
To be continued …
Update: continued in Advice to singles, concluded
UndertheSky says
These are beautiful words of truth you are sharing with your children. Thanks for also sharing them here.