The Creation Museum, set to open next spring, is really making progress! The Creation Museum has its own website and blog, where you can meet the people and volunteers working on the exhibits; where photos of the work in progress are almost daily posted. I just visited for the first time in a month or so today, and WOW! A lot is going on. The museum is really taking shape now and the exhibits look out of this world! I do remember reading that one of the major designers of the rides and exhibits for Universal Orlando left his job there to oversee the design and exhibits for the Creation Museum. God has uniquely prepared so many to contribute to the museum and make it world class.
Even if we cannot get out to Kentucky to volunteer, donations of any size will help, since this whole complex is being built debt- free as God gives AiG increase! Already we are planning our fall vacation for next year (once school has begun and the rush for books has slowed to a trickle); to the Ohio – Kentucky area. We cannot wait to see the Museum, and hope to bring Zane and his family along as well; visit my cousin and her family, who live in Ohio; see the Amish country; and tour the Homer Laughlin China factory, where they make Fiesta dinnerware, my favorite dishes of all time.
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