Today’s Hebrew Testament chronological reading is in Zechariah 3 and 4.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Proverbs 11.
The Greek Testament reading is in Revelation 9.
Essential Studies.
Zechariah 3 and 4, And the temple of Messiah’s body
The larger lesson is that it is NOT TRUE that the Old Testament describes a religion of works while the New Testament describes a religion of the Spirit and grace. It IS TRUE that there is ONE FAITH from Genesis to Revelation, and that faith is by the Spirit and by grace. So what is the place of obedience to the Law, which is nothing more than the Word of the LORD, which proceeds from His heart by the Spirit of grace (Luk 6:45)? Obedience is motivated by the Spirit, and gives evidence to the faith by the Spirit and by grace that is already there (Jam 2:14-26).
Proverbs 11, That which is abominable and delightful to YHVH (Additional studies: Proverbs Index)
Revelation 9, The trumpets did not inspire repentance (Additional studies: Revelation Index)
Three-year Bible.
The three-year plan is here.
Today’s reading is in 1 Samuel 11.
Suggested study: 1 Samuel 11, Bible for Beginners.
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