I apologize for missing a post yesterday; as you can imagine, since the new edition of All Through the Ages came in on Friday, we have been working since Sunday morning to get all the preorders packaged and shipped. If you are waiting for a shipping confirmation e-mail, they are coming; we have had all hands on deck as it were to get the books out, so we will be sending the e-mails as soon as the last package has left the premises!
I admit I was tempted for a split second to work on the packaging Saturday too, but I soon discarded that idea. The Lord said, “You shall work six days, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during plowing time and harvest you shall rest,” (Exo. 34.21). A situation like this is as close as I am ever going to get to the equivalent of plowing time and harvest.
and realized who you were. I have been using your book since I started homeschooling 5 years ago and wanted to thank you for creating such a valuable resource to homeschoolers. You have made life so much easier. Thanks and continued success.
Hi Ginny, thanks so much, I am so glad you like the book and find it useful. I hope you like the blog too! Love Christine