The latest Answers in Genesis newsletter talks about the impact creation science is having in K-12 public schoolrooms. They quote from a recent Los Angeles Times newspaper article (Broken link, active May 11, 2006), in which the newspaper states: “Sometimes disruptive, but often sophisticated questioning of evolution by students has educators increasingly on the defensive.”
The Times goes on to report the educational establishment’s strategy to students’ sophisticated questioning of evolution indoctrination: “In response, the American Association for the Advancement of Science is distributing a 24-page guide to teaching the scientific principles behind evolution, starting in kindergarten. The group has also issued talking points for teachers flustered by demands to present ‘both sides.’”
So where are the answers to the sophisticated questions? The reason that the establishment has to deepen its evolution indoctrination rather than actually answer the questions, is that evolution has no answer, because it is not truth. Molecules to man evolution, as a belief system, depends on smoke and mirrors to survive. This is why we homeschool.
By the way, the best book I have read which explains the smoke and mirrors that actually is the modern theory of evoltion, is The Biotic Message by Walter James Remine. It is not easy reading for those without a science background, but he does try to explain the concepts for the lay reader.
Thank you for your Christian Classical Homeschooling site. It’s amazing.
Wow, you really tackle some meaty subjects on your blog. Good going!
It’s encouraging to hear that teachers are being questioned on evolution, at least. It’s even more encouraging to think that we get to teach it our way! 🙂