I started having back pain the week my Mom passed away. It has not lessened or gotten better from that time to this — about 6 weeks now. By the time I realized it was not a muscle spasm or strain, and called our chiropractor, she had just broken her foot and is not seeing patients right now. My husband wants me to see her partner, but I have never been to a chiropractor before, and her partner is a man, and I am uncomfortable seeing a man for something like this. I hope that is not silly of me.
Anyway, I wondered if it was just coincidence that this all started when my Mom passed away, and thought it was kind of strange if it was, since I have never had 5 minutes of trouble with my back before. Today I saw my sister- in- law, who is a personal trainer. I asked her about it, and she asked me, “Where does it hurt?” And I showed her — right in the middle of my back, below my shoulder blades but above my lower back. She laughed a little and said, “They call that area the “trash can” of the back — if there is any physical or emotional stress someone is dealing with, it shows up there.”
Okay, so I have not cried too much since my Mom passed away. Once at her bedside right after she passed away, once at the graveside service, and once last week when we were looking over things from the funeral. But I feel so detached from my heart right now; I don’t know why I am not grieving more or what I can do to reattach to my emotions. And my back is paying the price. Not even the detox helped the pain. If any of you think of me, please pray for me about this. I don’t really know what to do to help myself.
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