Read Genesis 12 at Bible Gateway.
Hebrew paragraph divisions
Gen 12:1-9 {p} Promise of land and descendants
Gen 12:10-13:18 {p} Abram’s faith in the promise tested + promise reaffirmed
Gen 12:1-3 Finding Messiah in the call of Abram
Gen 12:1-9 chiastic structure: Abram the sojourner
Gen 12:17 YHVH plagues Pharaoh’s house: history that prophesies
For further study off site:
Antiquities of the Jews, Book I, Ch. 7, How Abraham Our Forefather Went Out of the Land of the Chaldeans (Josephus)
Antiquities, Book I, Ch. 8, That When There was a Famine in Canaan, Abram Went Thence to Egypt (Josephus)
Egypt and the Bible – Associates for Biblical Research
Genesis 12:1-13:18 (triennial lech lecha) – Messianic World Site
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