Yom Teruah means "Day of Trumpet Blowing." This is the meat of an e-mail I received from Israel concerning sighting the new moon for the Feast of Trumpets: it helps to understand how these things are figured:
"On Tuesday September 30, 2008 the new moon was not sighted by observers from Israel. With the time between sunset and moonset only 20 minutes this was exactly as expected. As a result, Yom Teruah will begin Wednesday night, Oct 1, which is the 31st day from the previous sighting. This is because a lunar month can only be 29 or 30 days long and the non-sighting tonight made the Sixth biblical month 30 days."
Happy Yom Teruah, beginning tonight! Love, Christine
We hope your day was wonderful! Thank you so much for your fellowship here online.
With love,