09/26 Update: World Net Daily reports that HSLDA is urging American homeschoolers to write to the German embassy on behalf of Katharina Plett.
Original post dated 09/14:
Katharina Plett is a homeschooling mom in Germany; she has been arrested for homeschooling the children. The father and children have fled to Austria. Apparently Germany does not have the equilvalent of a 4th amendment, “no warrentless search and seizure,” because that is how the German police got into her home. Hitler was the one who banned homeschooling in Germany; I did not know that Germany still has laws on the books which were enacted by Hitler.
We can do three things: Let us not forget to thank the Lord daily for the freedoms and rights we have in this country. Let us pray for the Plett family. And let us write a letter to the German embassy in Washington D.C. expressing our opinion about Germany’s treatment of Katharina Plett (be polite and respectful!):
Ambassador Klaus Scharioth
German Embassy
4645 Reservoir Road NW
Washington, DC, 20007-1998
(202) 298-4000
If every homeschooling family in America wrote one letter, showing how homeschooling has benefitted the children, the family, and our communities and country, we might go a long way to influence Germany to treat Mrs. Plett with clemency and change Germany’s antiquated homeschooling law.
Lifting up this dear family in prayer.
I have posted your information on my blog. I really appreciate you letting us know.
Thank you for getting the word out to the widest possible audience, ladies. God bless. Love Christine
Thanks for the address to the embassy. I hope that this situations changes soon and the family is reunited in freedom.