When I come to Him
devastated because some accusation of the accuser of the brethren hits a little
too close to home, here is an approximation of the conversation:
Him: What good works of
yours brought redemption, beauty, and worth to your life?
Me: None, Lord. All my
righteousness is as filthy rags in Your sight.
Him: Then tell Me what
good works of yours as a parent will bring redemption, worth, and beauty to
your children’s lives? What will you be able to take credit for in their lives?
Me: Oh … none, Lord.
Him: Love covers a multitude
of sins. Your love for them as parents, and My love for them.
Me: But why homeschool,
then, and work so hard to do right, and sacrifice so much, if we cannot prevent
evil or suffering from touching them?
Him: Trust in Me, My
daughter. You greatly desire good for your children, as do I. So trust in Me.
Me: It kills me when I
see one of them struggling with something I know is only an issue for them
because I sinned, because that is my failing that I passed on to them.
Him: Your sins have been
forgiven you, My daughter. And I am able to care for them now … it is okay to
let them go. Rejoice in My grace, for it is poured out on you!
I love Him.
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