Today’s Old Testament chronological reading is in Gen 17 and 18.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Psalm 30.
The New Testament reading is in Matthew 22.
Hebrew root words.
And when Abram was ninety-nine years old, YHVH appeared to Abram, and said to him: I am God Almighty; walk before Me, and be wholehearted. Gen 17:1
YHVH Strong’s H3068, Yehovah, “I AM”
God Almighty Strong’s H410, El, “God” + Strong’s H7706, Shaddai, “Almighty”
This post, Exo 6:2-3, The names of God, compares the different names of God encountered today, and even refers back to Gen 17:1.
to walk Strong’s H1980, halak, “to walk”
before Me Strong’s H6440, paniym, “face”
wholehearted Strong’s H8549, tamiym, “perfect”
I find it interesting that the JPS translation, quoted above, says, “be wholehearted,” while the KJV says, “be perfect.” The parable defining “perfect” is the cross upon which is the mighty blood – of Yeshua, we know now, although when the Torah was written, Yeshua was not known. However, Moses wrote about Messiah (Joh 5:46), and this is just another example of Torah prophesying the Gospel.
These are the generations of Noah. Noah was in his generations a man righteous and wholehearted (Strong’s H8549 tamiym, “perfect”); Noah walked (Strong’s H1980 halak) with God. Gen 6:9
God was asking Abram to follow the example of his forefather Noah, who, by the way, found grace in the eyes of YHVH so that he did not perish in the judgment of the wicked; just as Abram believed God, and He accounted that belief to him for righteousness.
But why does the JPS translate “perfect,” as “wholehearted?” Perhaps it is because right or perfect actions proceed automatically from a heart wholly circumcised to YHVH God.
Thus the circumcision of the flesh debuts in today’s reading, as the sign of the covenant between YHVH and Abraham. It is a natural picture illustrating a spiritual truth, that a heart wholly circumcised to YHVH is a heart in which the flesh – the world and its ways – has been cut off.
Thus, the man who does not cut off the foreskin of his flesh, has not cut off the world and its ways, and he is cut off, in consequence, from the people of YHVH (Gen 17:14). It is not that God is being angry, vengeful, wrathful, and judgmental, but a willingness to submit to a covenant whose sign flies in the face of everything the world deems normal and right, is a sign of a heart that is willing to be set apart to YHVH out of love for YHVH.
Links to previous studies.
Gen 17:1-14, The everlasting covenant
Gen 17:15-27, The promised seed by Sarah
Gen 18:1-33, Finding Messiah in Torah
Gen 17 and 18 Chiastic structures
Gen 17 and 18, The names of God
Psalm 30 Chiastic structure
Psalm 30, Let His people magnify Him
Matthew 20:1-22:14 Chiastic structure
Matthew 22, Called and chosen
Matthew 22, Testing the Passover Lamb
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