Read Proverbs 19 at Bible Gateway.
There is so much here, on parenting, wealth, anger and slowness to anger, wisdom and foolishness. I want to zero in on one verse:
Houses and riches are an inheritance from fathers, But a prudent wife is from the LORD. Pro 19:14
What does it mean to be prudent?
The Hebrew word is sakal, and it means to be prudent, to act wisely, to be discerning, to be insightful.
Prudent, according to Webster’s, means, characterized by, arising from, or showing prudence, first of all. Prudence has four aspects:
1) The ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason;
2) Wisdom or shrewdness in the management of affairs;
3) Skill and good judgment in the use of resources;
4) Caution or circumspection as to danger or risk.
So when I grab something my husband says and let my emotions run with it, I am not being a prudent wife. When I eat, or shop, or gossip with friends in order to satisfy an emotional need, then I am not disciplining myself by reason.
A prudent wife is a good steward, someone who finds a way to make her husband’s provision cover all the necessities and contingencies. A prudent wife is not gullible.
Webster’s also says that prudent means, to be marked by wisdom or judiciousness; marked by circumspection; discreet; provident; frugal; having or showing sound judgment, especially in exercising restraint and discretion.
LORD, grow all of us wives into greater prudence, that we might truly be gifts from You to our husbands!
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