The unmistakable A pair and central section force all that is in the B pairs together. In 1B.1, the matching elements of His face to shine upon you unlocked that structure, and in 1B.2, the matching elements of hope in the LORD unlocked that structure. In 2B, the matching elements of turn and forgive unlocked that structure. Then the matching elements of give and forgiveness showed that 1B.1 and 2B pair, and the matching element of the excellence of the LORD’s name showed that 1B.2 and 2B pair. I realized that the theme that tied both B pairs together was the keys of the kingdom (Mat 16:9): keys unlock doors so that they open (Rev 3:8a). So then the puzzle pieces that seemingly didn’t fit when everything else did fit fell into place, as God was using the B pairs to highlight what the actual keys of the kingdom are.
About 1B.1: The central axis is the cry of the Psalmist’s mouth, saying: You are my refuge. That is what the wholesome tongue says when it is faced with trial or trouble. When Israel went through the wilderness, every time they came upon a trial to which they were purposely led by the LORD’s presence in the pillar of cloud and fire, they opened their mouth with complaints and negative talk. That is the unwholesome tongue, and it cost them. They did not enter into their promise. But the Psalmist, when faced with a trial, with his wholesome tongue spoke a positive truth: You are my refuge. This wholesome tongue is a key of the kingdom.
My takeaway from this in my prayer journal:
Remember that God is with us! It will help us not to be afraid or lose heart in well doing and in well speaking, in bearing witness to the truth. As we use the keys that Yeshua gave us to open the doors in front of us, the world will learn that YHVH is God, and He will be exalted in the earth for every unbeliever to see.
on choosing the scriptures for the shabbat prophetic | tuning in our ears to hear
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