I have been hearing some that I am acquainted with advocate a none of the above, or a no vote in two weeks, because of doubts held about either presidential candidate. I am voting, and I am not advocating a no vote this November. The Bible says:
" … you shall surely set a king over you whom the LORD your God chooses; one from among your brethren you shall set as king over you; you may not set a foreigner over you, who is not your brother." Deut 17:15
The LORD chooses the man (I of course understand that we do not have kings in this country, but "king" is the Bible word used to mean "national leader"), then we are commanded to seek to know the LORD’s choice, and set THAT man as king over us. The choice is the LORD’s, but the responsibility for setting the LORD’s choice into the kingship is ours.
I too am not thrilled with the choices we have this November. But a year ago, if someone would have told me that McCain would be the Republican nominee and Obama the Democrat, I would have laughed. McCain’s campaign was all but dead a year ago, and everyone thought Hilary would blow Obama out of the water. The fact that these two are the two nominees seems so unlikely by man’s wisdom … well, I recognized that one of these two — since one of these two IS going to be the next President of the United States — is the Lord’s choice, for His own reasons based on His own wisdom.
The above passage might disqualify Obama outright, since he is for all intents and purposes, an immigrant, raised in a foreign culture with a foreign worldview.
I have seen evidence that Sarah Palin loved and supported Israel before she ever came into the national limelight. What if the Lord knows the day of McCain’s death, and this VP pick was His way of putting someone who loved Israel into the kingship? I of course don’t know what will happen … but until Jesus returns, He Himself will not reign as king on this earth, and this is the mechanism which the Lord has provided for kingship until that blessed day arrives.
So I had to ask myself, If God has graciously provided us, in this nation, with a voice in the "setting as king," and I refuse to participate, then have I broken Torah?
That is why I am voting in two weeks.
Excellent post. We're planning to vote for the lesser of two evils.
Hey, Christine, I tried to contact you by email but am not sure the email went through or got caught in spam. Could you please contact me at jean@eho.org about reviewing some of your books?
Of course, if you're not interested (i.e. got the emails and paid them no heed), please forgive the intrusion.
(who just talked about your "All Through the Ages" booklist at our latest homeschool group meeting, when someone asked how to find good books to read, related to the period of history they were studying!)