We are reminded why we homeschool in subtle and egregious ways this week. In the subtle camp, Gerry Garibaldi discusses the feminization of schools, how girls are promoted and boys shortchanged. Many boys end up in the special education or learning disability track simply because they confront life like males and do not want to be made into girls. In the egregious camp, a Texas elementary school is under fire for reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag … the MEXICAN pledge of allegiance to the MEXICAN flag, at a school assembly celebrating Mexico’s independence from Spain on September 16. And in the so egregious this must be the twilight zone camp, World Net Daily reports on a [s-x] ed curriculum currently being considered (Broken link, active September 20, 2006) for Canadian public schools. The curriculum promotes promiscuity, the homo[s-x]ual lifestyle, and other perversions, but is so over the top that it is described as one opponent as “a thinly veiled propaganda piece that undermines healthy parent-child relationships, substitutes voodoo myths for actual science, and provides advice that, if followed, will certainly result in real and serious harm to those who follow it.”
Caution: even the sanitized description required for the news article is extremely offensive; and this is what they want to teach to elementary age girls?
RollsLife says
That book is terrible! I hope they keep it from entering the schools.
kateyz says
While it’s no likely something like this book would make it into the schools, it is a possibility. Books like this are total garbage and certainly have no place as “reference” materials. The thought is pretty nauseating. I’m so glad to be homeschooling!